Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hi everyone, so Im here for my next illustration which the word is "popularity" as soon as I heard this I knew I wanted to do something glamourous and fashionable, so as most of us know when we hear that word "popularity" we think popular kids in high school and thought that was too typical and think most people would draw a group of kids showing them how cool they were and think that was too easy to do, so instead I first drew a thumbnail showing a celebrity at a red carpet event and wanted to illustrate something fun and glamourous. As you can see I drew a girl arriving to a red caret event, and drew some paparazzi's snapping and flashing cameras at her to focus the attention on her to show"popularity" and thought I was on a good start.

 Next I grabbed my wacom tablet and drew a nice flowing red dress in illustrator just to get the shape going but later I will make it smoother and make the dress a darker color, and draw the face and hair later on.
Later I added the paparazzi's and duplicated them to show a busy crowed crowding the girl because she's a famous celebrity and with cameras flashing at her.

 Next I added the black background with cameras flashing at her and drew a red carpet since she is arriving at a red carpet event, along with her face, red dress, and hair done to make her look glamourous while posing with her arms on her hips facing towards the crowd.


 Lastly I got all the images and formed them into one and brought them all in together and placed the paparazzi's on the bottom and made them smaller so the girl would be the focus of the attention to show she's popular and think it helped balance the overall illustration. I really liked how it looks 1950's glamourous and fits with the style with the red dress and hair, I think it helped the design even more with the choice of colors and the red dress almost like marilyn monroe kind of. In conclusion I was happy with the end result and hope you were too.


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