What is emotional labour? Emotion Labour is difficult work that other people don't feel like doing today for free. Meaning people are willing to do work for other people that doesn't not cost them anything and require free services in order to gain attention. Seth Godin says" The future belongs to people who take initiative" meaning that if you have determination and initiative you can gain success and clients to view your work and blog and let them know who you are, To start this you need to create a verity of connections called "The Social Hub" like facebook, g-mail, twitter, tumbler,flicker, carbonmade and most importunely a blog.
I have been doing emotional Labour by using the above following tools to get attention by creating various tools like facebook, twitter, flicker, gmail, carbonmade tumbler, and a blog, these are all valuable sources to help yourself get attention as Seth Gordin says the most precious thing is attention and by using these tools I am able to do that, I have been frequently updating each of my internet sources by posting internet links on the best graphic design websites, how to budget your money wisely and how to start freelancing as a beginner and posting my artwork to inspire others and providing them helpful links and how I create my artwork by showing step by step and what medium im using to create my artwork, also by commenting on others work.
I am very interested in these three websites which are"Dulce Candy87, MakeUpGeek, and
Beauty Broadcast. The reason for this is that we all share something in common which are fashion, make up, and hair and for me this is a way of connecting more with my feminine side and embracing who I am as a person and to know that their are other girls who have the same passion as me.
The first blogger I follow is DulceCandy87 known as a fashion blogger who first started her youtube channel and blog in 2008, she did this because it was a way for her to feel more feminine, because she was in the army and become a mechanic and didn't like her job, later on someone told her about a youtube channel where people could post videos and right there she realized this was something she wanted to do and thought she was ready to provide emotional labour doing work for others for free. She created a youtube account and posted make up looks and how to create your own clothes, and how to become a fashion designer and all these other valuable sources she was sharing, later on she was receiving a huge flow of followers on youtube and her blog reaching more than five hundred thousand views each video and realized she came successful. This has benefited me in many ways because I have used what she has shown us and started my own youtube channel and a blog which mine is called"My everyday fashion and beauty life" Because I wanted to start my own blog and become successful like her and used her ideas into my transforming them into something that would inspire other people. Dulce Candy87 Blog is http://dulcecandy.com/
Screen captures of Dulce Candy's Images
The second blogger I follow is named"MakeUpGeek" she is a Make Up blogger and has a youtube channel and her own company called makeupgeekcosmetics. She is a freelance make up artist but got fired because they were not enough jobs in her city and decided to create a make up youtube channel fully dedicated to make up and wanted to teach others how to properly apply make up and find inexpensive make up products and reviews them. She also shows us step by step make up application and what products she uses which has made me to go to the store and buy it so i could learn how to get her looks and realized I was very attached to her blog that I have twitted and sended out links on youtube and my facebook account so people would be aware of her valuable videos that she was sharing with and wanted everyone to watch her, once again an example of doing emotional labour. This is meaningful to me because she has taught me things that few people would do and I am very fortunate to find her and get tips and ideas done all for the cost for nothing. Here is her blog http://www.makeupgeek.com/
Screen captures of MakeUpGeek images
My third blogger I follow is named"Evelina Barry" she is also a fashion and make up blogger her videos are very unique and interesting because she does looks from every culture. She is very well known for her day to day fashion because she gathers clothes from different cultures and shows us how to put them together, She also does lots of DIY aka do it yourself designer bags, how to build a nail polish nail rack, nail polish tutorials, making bracelets, hair looks for special occasions, how to start a business and shares her life story, and where to shop to buy high end products for less and so on.Which really connects to me because I have the similar interests and life as she does and went though the same things in high school and that really made me feel connected to her. Its so meaningful to me and other girls because she is so passionate about helping others feeling inspired which makes me really want to support her and follow her more because she does it for us not for herself, and thats why she is where she is today because we helped her as she helped us. Here is her blog link http://evelinabarry.com/ and her youtube channel link http://www.youtube.com/user/Evelinicutza?feature=watch
Screen captures of Evelina Barry
As mentioned the above following I was saying that I have been doing emotional labour, here are some examples of what I mean.
This is a great example of doing emotional labour because I have been using all of these valuable networking tools to help promote myself and my work to help and inspire others and that Seth Godin said "if nobody knows your ideas their worthless", and so I was able to force myself to do what I had to do in order to get"attention" and was trying to gain trust by engaging people by visiting my blog and shows them step by step drawing and tools to create them. This is just the beginning for as I know it will not be easy and it will require alot of work but if just one or two people visited my blog just to read what I write and look at my work then I know I have succeeded into doing emotional labour and this will make me continue into doing it more because it's something im passionate about and want others to feel the same way by participating in what I have to offer. I think we underestimate all the information that people are offering online and we tend not to be bothered looking at it but I think its because it wasn't something that interested them and thats why I think its important to start a blog about what you like and what others to like so both you and the person are benefiting something together like the person visits each day and the blogger gets a huge amount of views and know that they are both becoming successful by engaging in each others company and inspiring them and thats what's important to me is to inspire other people by sharing what I love and take what they learned and apply it to their own mind. So in conclusion networking is the best way to gain attention, because it allows you to give your ideas for free and Seth Godin said that "the most precious thing is Attention" and if nobody knows your ideas their worthless because the audience is not benefitting from your blog and neither is the person who created it. Lastly Growing up i didn't have all these networks to show my creativity outside my time I did the best I could with what I had but now I can express myself more on the level of who I am.